Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry in Muskego, WI – the most relaxing dental experience you’ll ever have!

Providing exceptional dental care is important to us, and so is helping you relax while receiving great care. Relaxing can be hard, though, when you get nervous just thinking about going to the dentist or you have to undergo an especially long procedure. “Dental anxiety” is a real thing and many dental procedures can take an hour or more. If you have dental anxiety or are scheduled for a lengthy procedure, sedation dentistry in Muskego may be right for you.

Also known as sleep dentistry, sedation dentistry uses widely-tested medications that cause relaxation and, in some cases, sleep. These medications provide various levels of sedation, or sleepiness, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks. Our dentist can help you determine which form of sedation dentistry is right for you, and we can create a personalized treatment plan to help you make the most out of your procedure with sleep dentistry.

Am I a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

Nearly everyone can benefit from sedation dentistry, and almost all patients are good candidates for sleep dentistry. You may be a good candidate for sleep dentistry if you:

  • Have dental anxiety
  • Have to be in the dentist’s chair for a very long time
  • Are scheduled for a complex dental treatment
  • Are afraid of needles
  • Experienced a traumatic dental visit that still distresses you today
  • Feel anxious when you experience the noises and smells of a dentist office
  • Have a strong gag reflex, have had trouble getting numb, or have overly sensitive teeth
  • Feel self-conscious about the appearance of your teeth
  • Just want a more comfortable dental treatment

Muskego Dentist Offers Personalized Sedation Solutions

Sleep dentistry ensures a relaxing experience for all patients who receive it, but every patient is different, so our Muskego dentist offers personalized solutions for every patient we see. Our sedation dentistry offers a safe, comfort-driven treatment experience that reflects your personal needs, goals and expectations. We offer several types of sedation dentistry to fit almost every need. 

Nitrous oxide

IV sedation

Sleep dentistry is safe and effective

When administered by trained dental professionals, sedation dentistry is safe and effective – it may even be beneficial. Patient’s blood pressure tends to rise during dental procedures performed without sedation, for example, but sedation can help keep the patient’s blood pressure lower and at safer levels during your procedure. 

For more information about sedation dentistry, consult with our dentist in Muskego, WI. We provide the sleep dentistry you need to help you feel more comfortable through your procedure.

We Can't Wait To Meet You And Your Child

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